⚠️️☣️☢️ Warning: These pages render flashing colors and noisy sounds.☢️☣️⚠️️
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I cannot guarantee that these work outside of Google Chrome on a real computer. They seem to work in Firefox, too. Mixed reports on Android tablets. Definitely doesn't work in Safari, or on iPhones. I don't know anyone who has a Windows computer.
All pieces by
xir Jesse Alexander Eunoia Confused Sundial Apocalypse Haze Janvir Fretz-Hue Wolfe ↁCXCIX, the nice
some pieces include samples from Adventure Kid's massive collection of single-cycle waveforms
One human voice sample was taken from a recording of the infant gurgling of Iris Marjorie Cotrell Fisher of Vancouver, who seems to enjoy these works. "blue skies and red trees" is dedicated to her parents, who are some of my closest friends.